Simonaggio Royal Bombilla Redonda 8 in (20 cm)
Simonaggio Royal Bombilla Redonda 8 in (20 cm)
Estilo recto con filtro redondo. Fabricada en bronce niquelado en Brasil. Una bombilla versátil y artesanal diseñada para realzar el sabor de su té. Fabricada en bronce niquelado duradero, esta bombilla redonda de 20 cm (8 in) es ideal para preparar bebidas tradicionales sudamericanas.
I bought this bombilla because I needed something to filter herbs with a higher concentration of dust more effectively, and so far it has worked great for me!
Premium bombilla, with removable filter for easy access to clean the inside of the straw. The spout end of the bombilla is straight through; it does not curve like most bombilla designs.
Appropriatte for yerba mate style and Chimarrao that I love as wel
This bombilla, or bomba is a little big for small gourds, but will work for anything a little larger and cuias for chimarrão.
This is my new favorite bombilla.