CBSe Silueta (Adelgazante) 500 g (1.1 lbs)
CBSe Silueta (Adelgazante) 500 g (1.1 lbs)
Yerba Mate con tallos, Boldo, Hinojo, Escaramujo, Fucus, Menta, Cedrón, Sabor Natural a Manzana, con Zinc añadido, Ácido Pantotérico, Tiamina, Vitamina B6, Riboflavina, Ácido Fólico y Vitamina B12.
I add a teaspoon or two to the regular Yerba. It adds a fruity flavor without adding sugar. I enjoy it as a change to simple Yerba.
I don't know if it actually helps with slimming, but I love the light apple flavor and I try to drink this instead of snacking on junk food. So maybe it works? But it does have a pleasant flavor. It is good terere. I think the apple is more noticeable brewed hot then chilled and with a little sweetener.
I love the taste of this yerba and I like that it has some added vitamins. I'm not hoping to lose my appetite.
Tea has a very pleasant smell and doesn't produce much sediment, giving an overall pleasant experience. The color is a light golden. The tea tastes good but am unsure if any actual slimming is occuring haha.
good for loosing weight and its delicious1